Dr. Porter–O’Grady is an internationally respected presenter and speaker on topics related to health leadership and the future. Please contact us if you are looking for a dynamic and informative keynote presentation, general session or day-long program on health care innovation, leadership, or futures topics.
* Please note that the following lists topical titles only. Dr. Porter-O’Grady does not have any set presentations as he always tailors each and every presentation to the specific audience he is addressing.

Much of what is occurring in health care is having a dramatic and direct impact on the professional’s role and function. Each professional is concerned that their future and opportunities are affected by changes that are underway in health care today. The challenge is to be able to have a broader vision of the impact of those changes and to make decisions regarding what those changes mean for each individual. The choices that are available are growing everyday. The challenge is to be able to know which choices to make and how to create a tighter fit between the skills that a professional has and the demand for them in a changing system.

The profession is feeling the tremendous impact of continuing transformation in health care. The questions that relate is what is happening in health care and in what way will it advance the profession and make changes that are meaningful and sustainable? How does the profession make changes in its own frame of reference and how does each practitioner begin to adjust and change practice in a way that has value and meaning for the individual as well as the profession? There is a new paradigm, a new framework for health care that is completely altering our understanding of services provided and the way they are provided. The nurse must be able to know today the kinds of shifts and adjustments in both practice and profession that will be necessary to thrive tomorrow.

The health system is transforming before our very eyes. The challenge is, what is it becoming? How does what it becomes affect what we do individually and collectively as providers in the health care system? As we move from fixed talents to highly mobile skills sets to a decentralized and technologically driven health care system, what must we do to be able to succeed and to influence the effective delivery of patient care services? The content of this program focuses on the development of innovative and creative approaches to responding to the changes in health care and learning how to live in a transformed, paradigm shifted health care milieu.

The health care system is in motion toward a different delivery model. The system is requiring a major shift in the way in which we provide service and lead the health care system. Newer rules, deeper understanding of quantum mechanics and systems applications, newer knowledge about leadership and the process of providing leadership are creating a different framework for understanding, application and implementation of health care services and leadership in the changing work place. This program focuses specifically on the changes in the work place, the shifting requirements for leadership and the new interdisciplinary framework for organizing and leading health care systems.

While the health care system changes, what is the long-term impact of those changes on the services that are provided to communities across the nation? Health care is experiencing a much more substantial change than most people even realize. Because of that, the long term implications are imbedded in the movement away from provider driven health care to population based health care. Health care is changing its relationship with the consumer in fundamental ways. As it changes its locus-of-control and function, the question is how does it position itself to better serve the community and to be a more integral part of the community’s own health? This program focuses on the creation of that fit and the interface between healthy health care systems and building healthier communities.
This program focuses on two components in the current health care system that will be necessary to move us through the chaos. Currently, chaos is the appropriate context for all change in health care. However, in order to thread our way through the chaos, its implications must be better understood and more consistently applied in the delivery of health care services. Professional staff and leaders must understand how to not only manage chaos and complexity, but also harness its circumstances and conditions to better facilitate the journey through the changes in health care and to model “thrival” strategies in the emerging health care system. Managing the chaos, working through the current trials and struggles of the present stages of change, reviewing and understanding the characteristics and components of the change and finally providing complexity based leadership will be critical to an effective journey through this time of transformation.

This session focuses on the unfolding characteristics of a transforming health system. Emphasized is the move away from independent, non-aligned health services toward a more linked health system. Much effort is spent outlining the impact it has on the provision of care and the altered framework for the delivery of health services. Newer issues such as changing economics, politics, technology and social conditions along with process shifts such as demand management, early engagement health service and the changing integrated service continuum in the context of Interdisciplinary thinking will be explored. The reconfiguration of service and the work of the professions as well as the changing content of practice will be outlined in detail. Mechanisms for accepting the challenges in these changes and people’s ability to adapt will form the context for this presentation. Application to the individual and the workplace will be emphasized.
Into the Future of Healthcare: Impact On Clinical Services
In 21st Century healthcare, the provider is driven by the Age Change to look at the provision of services in a different way. The focus today is toward health, outcomes, early engagement services, new technology and economics. Every caregiver must now act with the knowledge of the value equation and their role in contributing to it. This means seeing health service and clinical practice in a new light. Skill changes, mobility, and flexible service arrangements all conspire to call the practitioner into new roles and relationships in health service. The move toward more consumer orientation and to customer service designs re-frames service delivery for every provider. These and a host of related issues are addressed in this fast paced program with a focus of preparedness for creating a broader healthier community of caregivers and a better framework for service delivery.

Changing Economics In Healthcare: Learning How to Cope In the New Age
The change in finance and economics in health care is no accident. The drive to assure a more cost-effective system is essential to the ability of the system to thrive in the 21st Century. This means that everyone in health care must live a new script for value creating and wise decision-making. Reconfiguring the system and clinical services is essential to providing better service. The infrastructure of care must also adapt and change. Shared accountability models and point-of-service decision-making are all part of the new environment for health care. Every person who is a part of health care must participate in creating newer models of doing the business of health care. Newer clinical pathways and population based service structures are all a part of re-defining health services and creating a need for new economic models and financial and service configurations.
This session will specifically focus on the transformation of the first-line leader’s role with a new set of leadership expectations. The focus will reflect the introduction of health care transformation realities confronting unit or service leadership in health care. Implications will be discussed for these organizations with regard to shifting social, economic and technical forces as well as the application of the manager’s role in a decentralized environment. The speaker will move from the general to the specific, talking primarily about contextual changes having an impact on the activities of transforming health services rather than those activities themselves. Discussion will stay centered on the forces reflecting the kinds of changes managers can expect in a continuously transforming health care environment.

Preparing Professionals for a New World of Clinical Excellence
PROGRAM OUTLINE: This session will specifically focus on the transformation of the clinical provider’s role within an effective shared governance system. The focus will reflect the introduction of health care transformation realities confronting the clinical, professional and support staff in health care within a Magnet excellence frame. Implications are included for the provider with regard to applying the 14 forces of excellence to broadening shared governance structures to support a decentralized environment and including all disciplines in the journey. The facilitator will move from the general to the specific, talking primarily about contextual changes having an impact on making shared governance more effective within the framework for excellence. Discussion will stay centered on the forces reflecting the kinds of changes specific to the organizational culture leaders can expect in their role in an integrated health care environment. The program is dialogue-based and will reflect the application of principles within the conditions and circumstances of the individual health system or organization.